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Design an enchanting QR code capturing the spirit of a mystical underwater world. Utilize a vibrant color palette inspired by coral reefs, incorporating shades of turquoise, coral, and gold. Infuse the QR code with intricate details reminiscent of the illustrations by Ernst Haeckel and the ethereal style of H.R. Giger. Aim for a cinematic quality with unique lighting effects, bringing an otherworldly charm to the digital artwork.
Design an enchanting QR code capturing the spirit of a mystical underwater world. Utilize a vibrant color palette inspired by coral reefs, incorporating shades of turquoise, coral, and gold. Infuse the QR code with intricate details reminiscent of the illustrations by Ernst Haeckel and the ethereal style of H.R. Giger. Aim for a cinematic quality with unique lighting effects, bringing an otherworldly charm to the digital artwork.
Ankooo6 months ago
Design an enchanting QR code capturing the spirit of a mystical underwater world. Utilize a vibrant color palette inspired by coral reefs, incorporating shades of turquoise, coral, and gold. Infuse the QR code with intricate details reminiscent of the illustrations by Ernst Haeckel and the ethereal style of H.R. Giger. Aim for a cinematic quality with unique lighting effects, bringing an otherworldly charm to the digital artwork.
Not Scannable
Size672 x 896
DateJan 1st 24
--seed 3842026963889457 --qrw 1.6 --qr_pattern s1 --preset none
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